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The following are some resources that I have found quite valuable or helpful and want to share with you. This list spans a whole range of interests, from the practical side of art, to faith, vocation and the Church’s response to art, to scholarly periodicals, starting an art business, art law, copyright law, to selling artworks or finding a creative space, to a list of Metro-Detroit and national galleries. I will be adding more resources as I find them. 

Hyperlinks that are in Bold Italics are websites, books, periodicals and articles which have faith-based viewpoint and/or take a Christian stance. Those links which are not in italics either do not specify themselves as Christian and/or are secular-based in viewpoint. 

Note: Some resources are under multiple headings as they pertain to both categories. Contact me at: if a link isn’t working, or if you know of resources that will benefit artists and creatives! If you have submitted a resource and I missed putting your name below, know it wasn’t done on purpose! Please accept my apology and email me what resource you suggested so I can give you credit for your submission! 

Art History 

Early Christian & Byzantine Art –  by John Lowden, Phaidon Press Limited 2012. Scholarly reading of the beginnings of Christian art down through the Byzantine era, includes many full color photographs.

The Essential Resources for Visual Resources Professionals – from the University of Michigan, this huge visual resource database says it is for professionals but it appears to be also available to the public to use, (some of the links work others don’t) but really for any one whose a student of learning and interested in the following (but not limited to): ACSAA Color Slide Project,  (use this link for (AICT) Art Images for College Teaching, )(AMICO) Art Museum Image Consortium, Bridgeman Art Library,  other art libraries,  Clearinghouse of Image Databases,  Hartill Art Associates, Media for the Arts, Museums Online, University of Michigan Museum of Art, Art Indexes, Abstracts, Art Schools, Graphic Design Schools and Mother of All Art History Links….etc., etc…too many to list!

Research Resources Page 1 –  this is a continuation from the above link (The Essential Resources for Visual Professionals) another huge database offering research resources for the following: African & American Studies, American Studies, Archaeology, (use this link for Oriental Institute The University of Chicago) Art History on the Web, Asian Studies, History on the Web, Medieval Western Sources, Middle East and Islam, Philosophy, Photography and Women’s Studies. Each of these titles offer many more links and resources.

JSTOR Daily Art History -JSTOR Daily provides context for current events using scholarship found in JSTOR, a digital library of academic journals, books, and other material. They publish articles grounded in peer-reviewed research and provide free access to that research for all readers. 

The Gothic Enterprise A Guide to Understanding the Medieval Cathedral – by Robert A. Scott, University of California Press 2003. Incredible book detailing how European medieval cathedrals were constructed, emphasis of each political and social views and the hypothesis that quite possibly the original blueprint of constructing a cathedral may have had its origins as a monastic mnemonic device.  Complete with black and white illustrations and photographs.

Art Instructors

Blick – Originally known as Dick Blick Art Store, one of Michigan’s best art supply shop in town, online or in building they sell many hard to find products, paints, and art supplies not carried at other craft and hobby stores. They have discounts on many of their supplies. You can order an art catalog (it’s big) and you can also order the teacher’s catalog which is different.  They offer resources for educators, artists and product reviews. Ask about their business options as well. They don’t mention it unless you ask them. Also, they carry large sheets of Mulberry papers, easels and furniture, framing tools/matting, variety of paints, drawing, and canvas surfaces. Did you know they also offer product and project tutorials? Check out these videos:

Bulk Office Supply – I have used this company in purchasing art products and many brand named items as well, they priced quite well for bulk items. If you get on their mailing list they will send you coupons and/or free items. Free shipping on orders over $45. They have a warehouse in Grand Rapids, MI so for me being across the state they do ship quickly and I’ll get items within just a few days. They are headquartered in New York. Online they do offer some bulk prices on products.

Hobby Lobby – this craft store has a  lot of art supplies for crafters and for teachers.  I have purchased watercolor papers/pads, pastels, and many other items from this sale. Also check out their clearance section,  you will find last season’s stuff is often there at a great deal!

Jerry’s Artarama  – A very cool site with oodles of professional art supplies. Not sure if they have a physical building or not. They are always having some sale or another, at great discounts too! 

Michaels Craft Storelike Hobby Lobby this is a great place to find nearly everything an artist or creative needs! They often offer a 50% (or more) coupon. Frames are usually discounted and I have gone and had many of my paintings framed at Michaels. I am in the Metro-Detroit area and their framing is professional grade and the most reasonably priced that I can find in the Metro-Detroit area.

Student Art Guide –  In their words: “The Student Art Guide publishes art project ideas, tips, best practice, and helpful learning strategies for high school art students around the world. The Student Art Guide is classroom-friendly and managed by experienced art educators. Our resources are recommended by leading educational institutions and have been shared on social media over one million times. Reaching half a million pageviews per month, we are one of the largest high school art education websites in the world, used by a growing number of high school art departments.”   I haven’t used them but thought this would be a great help to high school teachers teaching art.

Utrecht – Another great professional online art supply store.  Blick bought out and owns Utrect however they are still willing to carry Utrect’s brand. YEY! and often you’ll find Utrect brand items in Blick’s store, and vice versa online. For the frugal artist check out the Clarence (dropdown link from the “Deal” tab).  Not sure if they have a physical building, I’ve only used the online store, had no problems with shipment and they are willing to help with any questions you may have on products. Carries all the well-known professional and student brands. Not sure if the paint or product you’ll be teaching students has any toxicity or hazards for kids? Utrecht has downloadable pdfs of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) on may products regarding product hazards, product safety, precautions ect.  Here’s the link to MSDS:   

Julianna Knustler Your Art Resource – Amazing talent and a wonderful resource for teachers and artisans alike.  Workshops, art classes, teaching tools,  art resources, teaching resources, art curriculum etc. Julianna can explain it better in her words: “It originally started as a teaching tool for my high school art class …when I realized that I have way too much paper resources for my lesson plans. I decided to organize my lessons, presentations, handouts, worksheets, and tests in one place. My primary goal is to develop a comprehensive creative online space, where anyone can learn about art and art making, regardless of age and artistic abilities. I am exited to share my skills and knowledge to show that art is accessible to anyone. People limit themselves thinking that making art is only for artists. I want to prove that sometimes all it takes is small steps in following simple rules. My entire Art Curriculum is free to use for everyone. I am only asking you to credit me if you are going to repost my lessons.”   So if you do use any of her curriculum or even share her info, let’s be honorable praiseworthy artists and creatives okay? Just like you love it when you receive credit – give her credit! : )

Art Scammers

Unfortunately, this happens all too often. All of us artists and creatives need to band together to bring awareness to our fellow artisans, crafters and colleagues. It’s insidious and evil what these art scammers are doing and it must stop. Become informed and be proactive and file a complaint against art scammers with the Federal Trade Commission.

Don’t Be Fooled By Email Art Scams: How To Spot And Avoid Fraud – by Artwork Archive, gives a full list of what to look for in an email that is requesting to purchase your artwork.

How To Recognize The Signs Of An Art Scamby The Abundant Artist. Can you spot the red flags like I did when you get an email from someone wanting to buy your art? Find out what they are!

Anatomy Of A Email Art Scam – By Red Dot Blog, Jason Horejs writes now scammers are getting serious to get your money including giving the title’s of artworks in the email to making you think they are really legit. Find out how to double check it’s real or legit. Includes photos of actual checks and the email correspondence between an artist and the scammer.  The comment section is also worth reading as well.

Art Scammer Names from Kathy McMahon – A list of known art scammers, with email address. Want to know if that email address is a scam, or not cross check it with Kathy’s list. Or if you’ve received an art scam email add their names to Kathy’s list.

Books, Scholarly Articles & Periodicals

Art and the Bible by Francis A. Schaeffer, Intervarsity Press 2007. I found this little book to be a very good read filled with insight for artists who want to reflect in their work what art was meant to be.

Art for God’s Sake A Call To Recover The Arts by Philip Graham Ryken, P&R Publishing 2006. From the beginning of creation God’s beauty is seen in His handiwork as a Master Artist. Much of man-made art is often devoid of any sacredness or beauty; resulting in being rejected by the Church as irredeemable. As Christian artists struggle just to find acceptance in the world let alone within the Church community, Philip encourages Christian artists to not give up hope and look at their vocation and skill as a higher calling. A very good read.

Between Heaven & Hollywood Chasing Your God-Given Dream – by Hollywood actor David A. R. White, Zondervan 2016. Actor in and producer of the blockbuster movie “God’s Not Dead” This book shares David’s account following his dream to be an actor. Not all of us know exactly what we are called to do, and many go throughout their life with a nagging quest to find fulfillment. This great book helps answer that question for those who are serious in finding their God-given talent and using it for His glory.

CARDUS  – A Canadian based think tank dedicated to enriching and challenging public debate though research, events, scholarly publications for the common good, in light of faith, art and community. They publish a scholarly quarterly periodical. 

“God for Artists and Artists for God”  by Kyle David Bennett of Convivium, (click on the title to download a pdf to read) wrote a three-part analysis of how society as a whole doesn’t ascribe value or view artwork with the same seriousness of other skilled work. And unfortunately neither does the Church in Kyle’s assessment. As the greatest Master Artist is God Himself, Who inspires artists to create works, what changes must take place for the Church to change it’s perspective? Excellent article. PDF  I’ve posted the 3-part article links below. Should the full article not load (you might have to subscribe to Convivium in order to read them) then click on the title of this paragraph it will give you the full PDF article.

Click here for Part I

Click here for Part II  

Click here for Part III

How to Discourage Artists in the Church – by Philip Ryken writes a short article on some different ways churches knowingly or unknowingly discourage fellow artists in their congregation. 

“Q&A with Luann Jennings Director of Arts Ministries, Redeemer Presbyterian Church NYC” by Comment Magazine, an interview between Luann Jennings and Comment Magazine on the significance and responsibility of the church to re-engage back into the arts in today’s society. Pertinent article.

The Three Dimensions of (Artistic) Vocation – by James Romaine of Comment Magazine. (click on the title to download a pdf to read) James expounds on how works of art should not only present the truth of the world but that Christian artists have been given a mandate and responsibility from Christ to participate in reflecting the truth of what the world shall be in the future. PDF  I’ve posted the link to the article below. Should the article not load click on the title of this paragraph it will give you the full PDF article.

Click here to read online

The Church’s Role in Art – by Sørina Higgins by Comment Magazine. What advice do artists, pastors, and theologians come up for successful church art patronage?  Sørina considers several practical ways that are relevant today for the Church to explore. Good article.

The Imagination of God Art, Creativity, and Truth in the Bible– by Brian Godawa, Embedded Pictures Publishing, 2016 (as of this writing I’m still reading this book) is an American screenwriter and professional author having written at least 15 books.  I chose this one simply for the title and wanted to learn more about God’s creativity. As if that is even possible! Anyways he offers a very unique perspective how the truth of the bible and it’s use of storytelling, its poetry, and evangelism, creativity and art are all used to convey to the viewer scriptural images of truth –  even Christian apologetics. Because images, “could go places reason could never go: into the imagination of the heart.”  Godawa shares in-depth how even Jesus had used creativity within His parables. Though I have already picked up on Godawa’s eschatological viewpoint – he doesn’t hide it within the chapters of this book, – he is a preterist, and since I don’t necessarily share his same end-time view it does make for a very interesting read! 

Image Journal – “Image was founded in 1989 to demonstrate the continued vitality and diversity of contemporary art and literature that engage with the religious traditions of western culture. Now one of the leading literary journals published in English, it is read all over the world—and forms the nexus of a warm and active community. Image’s focus has been on works of imagination that embody a spiritual struggle, like Jacob wrestling with the angel.” – Quoted from their About page. Image offers readings and events, fellowships and online classes and workshops for the creative.  They publish a quarterly scholarly periodical (online subscription as well) with access to archives which contain “1,000 poems, essays, short stories, interviews, reviews, art essays, and more.”

How to Create a Media Kit 

How to Make an Artist Press Kit – Yes, all creatives need one! Whether you are a visual artist, photographer, dancer, actor or  musician, a press kit (sometimes called a Media Kit) is often overlooked.  Find out why it’s important enough to create one, what each piece entails and how they are used. By  Graham Matthews artist and blogger of Artpromotivate.

The Artist’s Guide to Creating a Media Kit –  Orangenius Artrepreneur explains the importance for creatives to have media kit prepared, it’s a way to engage people to care about your story.

Organizations & Groups

A.C.T. International (Artists in Christian Testimony)  – is a grass-roots organization that coaches and provide the accountability, organization and administrative help for creatives and innovators in their non-profit ministry. They are an international organization working to create a unique synergy between artists in all fields and media to the arts and in the Church globally. 

CARDUS  – A Canadian based think tank dedicated to enriching and challenging public debate though research, events, scholarly publications for the common good, in light of faith, art and community. They publish a scholarly quarterly periodical. 

CIVA As of March 2023 CIVA is officially closing after 40+ years. Sad, I know!  Since you cannot read the interview I had with CIVA online from their site please read the article here: “Artist and Prophet? Tell me more.” 

Image Journal – “Image was founded in 1989 to demonstrate the continued vitality and diversity of contemporary art and literature that engage with the religious traditions of western culture. Now one of the leading literary journals published in English, it is read all over the world—and forms the nexus of a warm and active community. Image’s focus has been on works of imagination that embody a spiritual struggle, like Jacob wrestling with the angel.” – Quoted from their About page. Image offers readings and events, fellowships and online classes and workshops for the creative.  They publish a quarterly scholarly periodical (online subscription as well) with access to archives which contain “1,000 poems, essays, short stories, interviews, reviews, art essays, and more.”


Makers & Mystics – The Official Podcast of The Breath and The Clay. This creative arts movement is hosted by community founder and visioneer, Stephen Roach, Makers and Mystics is the podcast for the art-driven, spiritually adventurous seekers of truth and lovers of life. They interview guest artists, musicians, poets, clergy, speakers, writers who are Christians making a positive impact in the world.  


Supporting Christian Artists in Business to Thrive – A public Facebook Group.  In their words: “A place where Kingdom artists of all kinds can share their creative art form, share their story, learn how to build a business from your art and most of all build community!

Art Resource Databases & Online Art Magazines and Subscriptions

The Art Guide – is about artists, collectors, museums and galleries and is the country’s most referenced resource for art events – locally, nationally and globally. Designed to support, promote and encourage art growth and creativity via shared comments, images, posts and current art information. The Art Guide is a comprehensive resource for creatives with a variety of successful art organizations, museums and galleries with up-to-date listings for events, exhibitions, international listings and calls for artists.  Members can upload and advertise their works on the site. 

Art Opportunities Monthly– A database of a myriad of opportunities for all creatives and artists working in every form of visual medium, but not limited to: painting, sculpture, film, photography, digital art, performance art, wood, crafts, jewelry, fiber, textiles, mixed media, ceramics, weaving, paper making, and a variety of print methods. Art Opportunities helps creatives to advertise and promote their work, enter local, national and international art contests, find art shows, art grants, enter juried art competitions, find fellowships, residencies, scholarships, teaching opportunities, calls for artists and a much more. Subscription to their monthly Art Opportunity is recommended. 

Call for Entry – is a great site for both artists and art organizations. From their site: “CaFÉ is a product of the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF). Founded in 1974, WESTAF is located in Denver, Colorado and is governed by a 22-member board of trustees comprised of arts leaders in the West.”  They have a  45-year history of helping both artists and art organizations in succeeding. Find your specific call to art you are looking for and submit your work.

Entry Thingy – is a site to manage call for entries, and art juries. Artists can receive and manage entries, host online and offline jurying and show galleries of their entries on their organization’s website. Watch the Introduction videos to see how it all works. Thanks to Sylvia for this submission.

Michigan’s Arts & Cultural Organizations  – Oodles of online resources for all creatives with helpful links to various kinds of additional information about art and cultural organizations for artist in Michigan. 

How to Sell Art and Market Your Work

Every artist and creative can learn from these articles below. The first one is by art consultant and adviser Alan Bamberger who answers in depth an email he received from a newbie artist looking for answers how to go about networking, selling his art and representing his work. Alan pulls no punches here and gives some hard facts and some questions creatives should be thinking of answering to art galleries and consultants. Not for the faint of heart! But if you are serious about learning how to sell and market your artwork this article is for you. Click the title  “You Can’t Sell Your Art Until You Learn How to Sell It” to read Alan’s response. Even I’m still learning all of this! 

The Abundant Artist This site offers great insight and a wealth of info on how to make a living selling your art. It includes hundreds of free blog posts, podcasts episodes and instructional videos online. Become a member and have access to to curated series of tutorials on how to get started selling art online, and cut through the noise to figure out which online sales options are right for you.

How to sell Art on Etsy by The Abundant Artist – A quick breakdown of what to expect when starting an online art business selling your crafts, artworks or product on Etsy. The comments are also worth reading as one can get a feel of what others who’ve used Etsy to sell their work have experienced first hand.

Is Selling Art Online for You? by Artwork Archive. The article candidly gives both pros and cons of what to be aware of and if it’s a possible option for the creative to sell their work online. They also list a link of 25 resources available that creatives should take advantage of if they chose to sell their works online. That article link is listed below.

25 Online Resources Every Artist Should Know About by Artwork Archive.  A valuable list of resources for artists and creatives in all fields to know and utilize for their benefit.

Artwork Archive provides art inventory simplified as they call it, for artists, collectors and organizations, the plans have powerful tools to manage artwork, career or a collection. Gain organization and have your critical art information easily at your fingertips. Track your inventory, contacts, galleries, sales , generate reports, and invoices at one place.  They have different pricing options for artists, collectors and for organizations.

Crista Cloutier of The Working Artist  whose desire is to help artists all over the world achieve their professional goals through a step-by-step training program wrote this short article “How to Sell Your Art”   (click on the title to read her article) she shares with creatives how to sell and market artwork  by thinking through 6 questions that artists should consider. Though I have not read her entire website – only this article, she does point out some important facts to consider. 

Skinny Artist-Live Your Art! – is a unique community of artists, writers, musicians, photographers, and other creatives committed to creating, inspiring, and sharing their art and resources. They offer a FREE online art school and opportunities for creatives to write for them suggesting all creatives should write their own book, how interesting!  Though I haven’t read everything on their site they do offer a variety of resources for art businesses and articles for creatives in different fields.  Artist Steff Metal penned “Going Local: 5 Ways to Market Your Art in Your Community”  (click on title to read it) he shares his thoughts on networking with businesses, the press and charities to promote your work. 

What is Print on Demand? A Low-Risk Way to Sell Custom T-Shirts, Books and Moreby Shopify. Find out what a POD site is, how it benefits creatives in brand marketing and getting your designs on products and make money online selling your artwork.  Thanks to   for this submission.

Rent, Sell or Purchase Studios, Apartments and Creative Spaces

Listings Project – Begun as a social practice, The Listings Project was started by artist Stephanie Diamond’s personal email list and is a leading resource for artists seeking art studios and creative spaces. It lists places from at least 70 countries and across the United States. Their mission is to connect artists and creatives to find opportunities, art studios, apartments, live/work spaces, rooms/houses to rent or for sale and a whole host of other working and living spaces. They review every listing.  

Art Grants 

The Complete Guide to 2018 Artist Grants and Opportunities – from Art Archive, a list of current grants creatives can apply for. 

Art Business, Marketing, & Art Law 

Arts Law Conversations A Surprisingly Readable Guide for Arts Entrepreneurs – by Elizabeth T. Russell, Ruly Press Publisher 2014. This book is excellent for artists in any field, visual arts, performance, film making, music, industry professionals, agents, managers, lawyers, writers, teachers, students, etc.,  just about anyone in the creative industry who owns a business or works in one will benefit from this sage advice and wants a crucial understanding of law, terminology,  intellectual property rights, trademarks, copyright issues, consumers to contracts all in everyday plain English, with real-life scenarios too, written by an expert art lawyer.  – (formerly Orangenius) An online social networking platform that offers a tremendous amount of information for empowering artists, creatives and photographers. They offer a comprehensive platform providing the necessary tools, insights, experts, and resources to help any artist, photographer or creative to succeed in the business of art.  Orangenius also has several other brands (listed below). Orangenius has also partnered with ImageRights to protect the intellectual property rights of visual artists. Orangenius’ other brands include:

ArtLawJournal – a large selection of articles relating to copyright, online piracy, moral rights, the art industry, business, and freelancing.

ART360 – is another platform for creatives to showcase a virtual exhibition, create artist CVs, include their artworks for sale, while empowering potential collectors into making purchasing decisions.

The Artist’s Business and Marketing Toolbox How To Start, Run and Market a Successful Arts or Creative Business – by Neil McKenzie, Published by Creatives and Business LLC 2011. This practical handy tool book is a great start in learning how to use the tools and techniques as well as to think in terms of the business process for all creatives. Neil McKenzie is a professor of Metropolitan State College in Denver having over 30 years experience in management consultant and marketing executive working in both larger and smaller companies. He is also a commercial photographer having expertise in client advertising, editorial, public relations and social media needs.

The book is laid out in two parts, the first consists of basic step by step of running and starting an art business, business plans, financing, accounting, management, production and operations. The second part is devoted to offering the creative tools and advice on how to build a successful brand and market art effectively. For those planning on starting a business in art this work book is an invaluable tool.

Ignight Spot  – a Utah based accounting firm to help small businesses to become debt-free and increase profit margin. They offer mobile and online bookkeeping as well as tax services.  CEO and auditor Eddy Hood  of Ignight Spot has written an article on “Bookeeping Tips for Artists listing important advice for creatives as well as several links for artists from freelancing, taxes,  bookkeeping, financing and more.  Thanks to Aubree and Stacy for the submission.

SBDC Michigan  – Michigan’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides the training, consulting and research to help small businesses to launch, grow, transition and innovate, enhancing Michigan’s economic well being. Headquartered at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids with 11 regional offices in more than 20 satellite offices they provide entrepreneurs and business owners convenient access to training and counseling throughout Michigan.  Click here to find an SBDC in your state. 

NEW! TaxJar is one of several tax preparers available to the public. Here’s a question artist entrepreneurs often need to know but find it difficult to find the answer to. Q. Do you charge your state’s tax rate to your out of state customer or do you charge their state’s tax rate? Not a simple answer! Sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t, how do you know when? And what does your business “nexus” have to do about it? Find out these answers and if your state is an Origin-Based or Destination-Based State and why that makes a difference when applying applicable sales tax. “On June 21, 2018 the Supreme Court ruled that states could require online retailers with “economic nexus” in the state to collect sales tax from buyers in that state, even if the retailer had no other presence in the state. “ – TaxJar

Origin-Based and Destination-Based Tax Rate

South Dakota v. Wayfair

Art Business Consultants

Art Business – by Alan Bamberger, an art consultant, advisor, author, independent appraiser who specializes in research, appraisal, original works of art, business and marketing, artist manuscript materials, documents related to art and art reference books. Alan has sold art since 1979, and sold rare and scholarly art reference books since 1982. Since 1985 he has been busy consulting, advising and appraising for art creatives in a many venues, such as galleries, businesses, organizations and collectors. His website offers a wealth of pertinent information and advice for all artists, creatives and collectors.

Maria Brophy – a professional art consultant sharing to all art creatives her first hand experience and knowledge of going into the art business, gallery work, art licensing, royalties, museum exhibits, increasing art income, and to how to sell art.

Art Insurance

“Art Insurance: Insuring Your Art” – by Alan Bamberger a good article for artists, photographers and collectors alike and it’s importance.

Michigan Galleries (but outside of the Metro-Detroit area)

Metro-Detroit Galleries:  For those who love to visit, enter artwork for exhibits and for art collectors, and anyone who just loves art!

Michigan Art Galleriesby Art Collecting Dot Com, this site contains oodles of art galleries!

8 Impressive Detroit Galleries Worth Getting Out of the House For  – List of Detroit’s best art galleries by Detroit Is It.

Padzieski Art Gallery – Dearborn, MI

Michigan Art Galleriesby Michigan Dot Org

Stamelos Gallery Center Renamed used to be the Alfred Berkowitz Gallery. Located on the 3rd floor of the Mardigian Library at University of Michigan Dearborn Campus.

Dija know? In 2008 of my senior year at UMD, in the Museum Seminar class me and my entire class participated in writing articles for the museum catalog: James Scripps Booth: Artist, Engineer, Polymath by Mark Coir, as well as  participating in the installation, and de-installation of the James Scripps Booth art exhibit held at the Alfred Berkowitz Gallery from May 16, 2008 to June 13,  2008? Yep I did! Check it out: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 9780933691100


DIA – The Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit’s finest art museum!

The Cranbrook Art Museum – Birmingham, MI

Motivation & Encouragement

On-Purpose  – Creating a more meaningful and powerful life in 3 Simple Steps. Know your purpose, the power of purpose and starting where it matters most in work, life and business.  Your source for more authentically leading your life and business. Author and speaker Kevin McCarthy is the author of The On-Purpose Person and The On-Purpose Business Person Doing More of What You Do Best More Profitably. Kevin offers Corporate Consulting, Business Coaching, Life Coaching and Speaking Engagements. Do you have a 2-Word Purpose Statement? What does it mean to live On-Purpose? Can you define your business’ strategy beginning with it’s Mission, Values, and Purpose? Find out how to lead your life and business profitably.

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